Video Clips

Video clip showing the use of Hasta Mudra in Bharata Natyam dance piece about Lord Shiva.
Video clip showing the use of Hasta Mudra in Bharata Natyam dance piece about Yoshoda and Krishna.


Prayer hand, anjali hasta, depicted in an angel - a western mythological character. (USA)
Daily life expression - the root of western theatrical performance is based on natural, realistic expressions. (USA)
Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity, from the Hindu pantheon gestures Abhaya and Kapittha hasta. (Singapore)
The prayer hand, anjali hasta, is a universal hand symbol that is used in daily life. (Singapore)
An other worldly creature commonly depicted in mythology gestures Shikhara hasta. (Bali)
Children using anjali hasta in a natural way. (Bali)
These young Balinese dancers have learned how to use anjali hasta in a stylized manner. (Bali)
Anjali hasta depicted in sculpture - Balinese statues of man and woman praying. (Bali)
A traditional statue of Buddha in prayer. (Singapore)
Suchi hasta being used to point naturally, loka dharmi. (India)
A depiction of a popular Indian saint, Shirdi Sai Baba, using hamsasya hasta to hold prayer beads. (India)
Yogi statue depicting an offering of wisdom using trishula hasta with one hand and suchi hasta in the other. (India)
An example of anjali hasta utilized in Bharata Natyam dance. (USA)
Bharata Natyam dance with left hand depicting Krishna's flute using mrigashirsha hasta and right hand in scolding action utilizing suchi hasta. (USA)
~1000 A.D. sculpture of Shiva in sannatam, one of the 108 karana dance phrases, as described in the Natya Sastra from the Chidambaram Temple. (India)
~1000 A.D. sculpture of Shiva in karihastakam, one of the 108 karana dance phrases, as described in the Natya Sastra from the Chidambaram Temple. (India)
Dedication of the sculptors of Chidambaram Temple. (India)
Suchi hasta being utilized in an animated and natural manner. (India)
5 meter tall stone relief of a dwarapala guarding the front gates to the Thanjavur Brihadesvara Temple. (India)
Anjali hasta used in stone scupture at the Thanjavur Brihadesvara Temple. (India)
Temple painting depicting one figure with anjali hasta as he approaches a wise man, shown with hamsasya hasta,Thanjavur Brihadesvara Temple. (India)
Sculpture showing a stylized usage of suchi hasta, pointing the attention upwards and Kapittha hasta holding a serpent at a temple in Kumbakonam (India)
Kapittha and hamsasya hasta used functionally to hold ankh and prayer beads, Chennai airport departure gate. (India)
Recent example of dance notation developed by Acharya Parvati Kumar to preserve choreography in Bharata Natyam dance technique.
Sanskrit shloka verses illustrating usage of hasta mudras excerpted from Nandikesvara’s Abhinaya Darpana published by Manisha Granthalaya, Calcutta, 1981.
Sanskrit shloka verses illustrating usage of hasta mudras excerpted from Bharata's Natya Shastra Vol.I published by Manisha Granthalaya, Calcutta, 1967.